Webhook Configuration for Twilio Extension

Webhook Configuration for Twilio Extension


For SMS automation, we have created a workflow rule. Now, we will create a webhook and configure it. Then, associate the webhook to the workflow rule. The workflow rule will treat this webhook as an action. 

The webhook needs to be configured to interact with specific modules and determine what SMS templates to be sent depending on the condition.

Personalized URL Explanation 

In your CRM, go to “Twilio SMS Settings”

Picture - 1

Copy the Personalized SMS URL and paste it into a notepad if necessary.

For better understanding, divide the URL as shown below (Picture - 2)

Picture - 2

URL to Notify: 

Paste the first portion of the link up to the question (?) mark;

For example - 

https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/functions/testtwilio__customsmswebhook/actions/execute? [Reference: Picture - 2]

URL Parameters:

  1. Parameter Name: recordIds
  2. Parameter Type: <Module Name you want to use for>
  3. Parameter Value: <Select the field related to the Module you use>

Custom Parameters: 

  1. auth_type: apikey [Reference: Picture - 2]
  2. zapikey: <You will get this from your Personalized SMS URL> [Reference: Picture - 2]
  3. moduleName: <Module name you want to use for> [Reference: Picture - 2]
  4. smsTemplateId: <Your Template ID> [Reference: Picture - 2]

Setting up webhooks for SMS Automation 

1) In Zoho CRM, click on the Settings icon located on the top right.

Go to  - Setup > AUTOMATION > Actions

Click on Actions.

2) Click on Webhooks.

Webhooks works as a bridge between Zoho CRM and third-party applications, in this case, Twilio SMS.

3) Click on Configure Webhook to create a new webhook.

4) Type in the name of the webhook.

5) Give a description of the webhook, please be advised the method should be Get.

6) For the URL to Notify, you need to go to the “Twilio SMS Settings” module. 

Then copy and paste the URL from the Personalized SMS URL at the bottom. Discard everything after the "execute?".

For example - 


We will be appending them in Step 9.

7) Select ‘General’ for the Authorization Type.

8) Select the Module for which you want to Automate SMS.

9) On Module Parameters which are under URL Parameters, type the Parameter Name as recordIds. For parameter value select the Module and then select the corresponding id field for Parameter Value.

10) Go to Custom Parameters and add a new line. Here you will enter the following in the Parameter Name -

auth_type, zapikey, moduleName, and smsTemplateId

Add their respective parameters from the Personalized SMS URL.

auth_type: apikey

zapikey: <You will get this from your Personalized SMS URL>

moduleName: <Module name you want to use for>

smsTemplateId: <Your Template ID> 

Do not include = or & in the parameters

For smsTemplateID, you can find the ID in the URL of their respective SMS template

11) Click Refresh under Preview URL, confirm that it looks similar to the Personalized SMS URL only with the new parameters as defined in the webhook and click Save. Your webhook has been created and now we need to create some rules to trigger it.

Great! You have successfully created and configured a webhook for SMS automation

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