Sync Data - CRM to Canvas

Sync Data - CRM to Canvas

We can only sync Contacts from CRM to Canvas. 

Inside your CRM, open or Contact or create a new one. Make sure you set a Canvas User Role (either Student or Staff) for the Contact. 

After that, you need to assign the Contact to a Deal. As a result, open a Deal or create a new one.

Under the Deal, enter the name of the Contact in the “Contact Name” field. For us, it is Lambda Mike

Also, make sure to set the Enrol Status (either Approved or Pending)  

Hit the ‘Save’ button if everything is done accordingly. 

To check the sync status, go to the “Canvas Sync Logs” module and check Sync Direction and Sync Status.




To find the User in Canvas LMS, go to -

Admin >> My Site >> People 

There you go! This is how you can sync records between your Zoho CRM and Canvas LMS.

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