How to send Xero invitation

How to send Xero invitation

To get started all we need is for you is to provide access to Zoho CRM and invite us to Xero. 

Here's a step-by-step Setup Guide:
STEP 1Login to XERO using 

 : S
elect the organisation you wish to setup the plugin for. If you want to change your organisation, click the current organisation name and select 'Change Organisation'

STEP 3 : Under the organisation options please click on
  "Settings" from the menu. Select the "User"

STEP 4 : Once you click on "Users" under "Current Users" section, ensure you have selected Admin for both Projects/ Advisor for Business and Accounting. 


STEP 5: Fill the fields as the information given below:
      (a). First Name = Saasplugin
      (b). Last Name = Developer
      (c). Email =
Once this is completed please click the "Send Invitebutton
STEP 6: At this point you have successfully sent Saasplugin an invitation email for Xero. We do get a lot of Xero invitations so please send your Organisation Name to just so we know it's you. For Saasplugin to finalise the setup we will need to perform custom actions within your Zoho account. 

Please note: Screenshots may have changed a bit due to Xero UI change but fundamentals will be the same.

It would be appreciated if you can provide Saasplugin with Zoho access in order to complete the Zoho2Xero setup. If you wish, you may change your password to a generic one temporarily and we'll let you know when you can change it back. 

Here's a link to our Zoho2Xero Knowledge base that may be useful: KNOWLEDGE BASE

If you have any questions regarding the setup process please contact us on +61280912121 or

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