This is the sync option that appears top of all the sync options inside - 

Blackboard LMS Sync >> Sync Blackboard Data

Before you click the “Sync Blackboard to CRM” button under ALL MODULES MANUAL SYNC, you need to create a user, course, or set grades in Blackboard. 

So, we will start by creating a user and a course inside Blackboard LMS. 

Go to ( and log in using your valid credentials. After successful login, you should see the dashboard.

First, we will create a user and then, we will create a course. For that, click on System Admin and select Users.

There, you need to click the “Create User” button.  

You must provide the mandatory information to create a new User in Blackboard. Also, you must provide a username, set a password, and verify it. (Also, provide an email address for further use)

You can also set the role of the user (under INSTITUTION ROLES) such as - Student, Staff, Faculty, etc. If you set the role as a Student, then the user will have the same role in CRM. Otherwise, the user will have a role as Staff if you set any other role in Blackboard except Student. 

You can also set multiple roles for a particular user, giving a Primary Institution Role and setting Secondary Institution Roles. In this case, the Primary Institution Role will be considered in CRM. 

That was pretty much all the information you need to create a User in the Blackboard LMS. Finally, hit the “Submit” button (at the bottom of the page) to create the User. 

You can find the User in your Blackboard LMS. Apply filters to find it easily. 

Now, we will create a course in the Blackboard LMS. Just like a User, click on System Admin and select Courses

Under Courses, you have to select - Create Course >> New 

You must provide the mandatory information to create a new Course in Blackboard. (You can configure other settings according to your requirements) 

Then, hit the “Submit” button (at the bottom of the page) to create the Course.

You can find the Course in your Blackboard LMS. Apply filters to find it easily.

Now, we will sync the newly created User and Course to CRM. We will navigate to “Blackboard LMS Sync” inside our CRM and press the “Sync Blackboard to CRM” button.  

For every successful synchronization, you will get a successful message. If not, then there is a problem either in the sync process or connection.

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