#2 Establish Connections for Zoho and Blackboard

#2 Establish Connections for Zoho and Blackboard

Note: Only the Super Admin has the access to “Blackboard Settings”, no other users can access this section.
After the installation, you need to set valid connections to both Zoho CRM and Blackboard with the extension inside “Blackboard Settings”, under the “Blackboard LMS Sync” tab. 

Configure Blackboard Authentication

This is the first part of the entire installation process. Go to (https://blackboard.saasplugin.com.au/) and log in using your valid credentials. 

Then, go to System Admin >> REST API Integrations

Once you are there, hit the “Create Integration” button. Copy the Application ID and paste it into the corresponding field. 

Pro Tip -

The Application Key and Secret will appear at the time of creating the application, after that it will disappear. So, you must save it somewhere secure.

Set your preferred User for Learn User. You can either type the username or browse the user from existing ones. 

Keep both End User Access and Authorized To Act As User - Yes


Once everything is done, click the “Submit” button to authorize the Blackboard connection.

Set Connection to Blackboard -

To build a connection with the Blackboard LMS, you need to provide Blackboard API URL, Blackboard Application Key, and Blackboard Secret.

Go to (https://developer.blackboard.com/), and log in with your authorized email address and password. 

Once you logged in to the dashboard, click the plus (+) icon in the right corner to create an application.

To create an application, you need to enter the following information - 

  1. Application Name - Name your application
  2. Description - Write something about the application (Max 450 characters)
  3. Domain(s) - It should be (blackboard.saasplugin.com.au)

Then, click on the “Register Application” button to create the application. 

After the application is created, you will get the Blackboard API URL, Blackboard Application Key, and Blackboard Secret

Pro Tip - 

It is better to keep the Blackboard Application ID, Blackboard Application Key, and Blackboard Secret stored in a notepad for future use.

Copy and paste the Blackboard API URL, Blackboard Application Key, and Blackboard Secret. And paste them into the corresponding fields under “BLACKBOARD SETTINGS.”

Finally, click the “Connect to Blackboard LMS” button to establish the connection.

Set Connection to Zoho CRM -

The last step is to create a connection with the Zoho CRM. For that, go to (https://api-console.zoho.com/). Then, click on “Server-based Application” in the top right corner, followed by “ADD CLIENT.”

To create an application, you need to enter the following information - 

  1. Client Name - Give your company a suitable name 
  2. Homepage URL - This should be (blackboard2zohocrm.saasplugin.com.au)
  3. Authorized Redirect URIs - This should be (https://blackboard2zohocrm.saasplugin.com.au/oauth2back)

Once everything is provided, click the “Create” button.


 It will give you a Client ID and Client Secret. Copy and paste them into the corresponding fields under “ZOHO SETTINGS.”   

Finally, click the “Connect to Zoho CRM” button to establish the connection.

After clicking the “Connect to Zoho CRM” button, a new window will appear where you just need to click the “Accept” button to establish a successful connection.

Instead of “Accept”, if you press the “Reject” button; a new window will appear giving you two options - 

  1. More details - Will take you to this article.  
  2. Close - Will send you back to the previous window. 

Please Note - 

If there is any problem establishing the connection, you will see a message - “Please go to Blackboard Settings and make the connection first.”


Without a successful connection, you can’t sync records

Great! The Blackboard LMS for Zoho CRM extension is now ready to use.  

For any assistance or query, please contact us at help@saasplugin.com.au.

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