The Zoho CRM 2 WorkDrive extension can be used to create folders in WorkDrive through the Leads or Deals module. With the help of this extension, the users can also move, rename, browse, upload, share, and delete files and folders.
Go to the Leads module and click on your desired Lead.
At the left sidebar, you will notice an option called “Work Drive Extension”. Click on the option.
As soon as you click the option, it will load the WorkDrive extension within the selected Lead.
Click on the “Create Leads Folder” button to create leads folders that are associated with the account name in WorkDrive. However, you need to set the template first, for which the folder will be generated.
The “Upload Files” button will allow the users to upload files to WorkDrive directly through the extension.
The maximum file size handled by the widget is 500 MB.
Move and Delete buttons will be available for the newly created folders.
The newly created folders will have different colors than the pre-generated folders.
You can only share and browse the default or pre-generated folders from the drop-down Action menu.
The Move button is used to move files and folders. Once the move button is clicked a list of folders will appear. The desired folder can be selected to move files and folders.
Select a folder from the list and click the “Move Here” button to move the folder inside another folder.
The Delete button is used to delete files or folders.
A confirmation message will appear before deleting a file or folder.
Aside from that, you can also share, browse, or rename a file or folder from the drop-down Action menu.
To share a file or folder, you need to insert the corresponding mail addresses like the image below -
Once the folder or file is shared, the recipients will get emails and you will see the following message -
Shared files and folders can be given access to as a Viewer or Editor.
In Viewer mode, the users can only see the file whereas, in the Editor mode, users can modify the shared files.
The search bar allows you to search for specific folders and files.